Australian Consumer Product Safety Standard 2010 - Internal Window Coverings
Although very convenient, cords and chains on our window coverings have the potential to be dangerous to small children. Unfortunately, and very tragically, each year there are several reported cases of children being strangled by curtain and blind cords.
As of 1 January 2015, the mandatory standard that deals with the installation services of window coverings commences. This applies whether you engage an Interior Decorator or Designer to manufacture and install your curtains/blinds or whether you buy ready made blinds, curtains or tracks and install them yourself.
At Red Works we have supplied and installed curtains and blinds to our clients for over 12 years. Cords and chains are a common control mechanism for all styles of curtains and blinds, and their use makes the opening and closing of our window coverings a very easy process. Other than motorization, which can be somewhat expensive, chains and cords are my next most preferred control options.

When I work with a client on selecting suitable window coverings for their home we consider together the style of coverings that they prefer (some people hate curtains and some people detest blinds and only want curtains so this obviously impacts their choices). We choose together the type of headings they like on their curtains, if they want blockout or transparent linings, if they like roman blinds or prefer roller blinds, if they want colour or texture or pattern for their fabric choice, the list goes on. What the client often doesn't realize, is that I offer my suggestions based also on how the window covering can be secured and installed and how the control mechanism can be secured to ensure the safety of their children and any children who visit.
If you have curtains or blinds installed in your home, might I suggest that you have a look at each window covering to ensure that they have some type of cleat or tensioner installed to secure all cords. Might I also recommend that they are used at all times.
What action should you take if the blind or curtain cords or chains are not secured by a suitable cleat or tensioner ?
- Most hardware stores sell cleats or tensioner hooks and they are not difficult to install. Do not however, attach them with M3 or double-sided tape as this is not strong enough to hold the cord or chain taught if a child was to inadvertently put their head in the loop. If you are unable to attach the cleat or tensioner, most handymen would be able to do this for you.
- If there is no way of attaching the cord or chain to a door or window architrave or wall it may be necessary to tension it to the floor, or alternatively, modify the chain or cord length so that it is at least 1600mm off the floor.
- Consider replacing window coverings with new ones which are compliant with the Safety Regulations for window coverings.
Furniture placement to minimize risk.
Although it beggers belief, some people do put cots under windows where there are cords or chains untensioned. Cots and other furniture in children's rooms should not be placed near cords or chains, and if there is no other way of placing furniture, ensure that these cords and chains are well out of the way and tensioned very securely.
Whilst you are doing your checks of your blinds and curtains to ensure that they are securely tensioned, also check the placement of furniture near these cords and move furniture if necessary to eliminate any risk to children.
Let's all do what we can to ensure the safety of our children - Control your cords and chains.